A Special Needs Trust: Financial Help Tailored to Your Loved One’s Needs
Ensuring your loved one has the financial resources required to meet his or her needs without jeopardizing eligibility for government-provided supplemental benefits can be a challenge for any family. An even greater consideration will be what happens to your loved one’s financial situation when you’re gone or unable to help manage it. That’s why Arcare has developed its special needs trust services. As Trustee, Arcare deals with federal regulations on a daily basis and remains current with respect to the requirements related to Special Needs Trusts.
Trust I
Earnings from work or income received from government programs may not always be adequate to meet your child’s special needs. The Arcare Trust I is a third-party trust that allows parents, grandparents or other third parties to leave funds for your loved one with a disability without endangering their eligibility for benefits such as Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid.
The Arcare Trust I pools assets from participants for management purposes and keeps the trust more affordable than many other options. Currently, we have more than 150 participants in our Trust I program. Enrollment and ongoing fees vary depending on the amount of funds placed in the trust. Special consideration is offered for Trust I enrollments that occur prior to funding.
Trust II
Unlike the Arcare Trust I, the Trust II is a self-settled trust, meaning it provides a vehicle for individuals with disabilities who receive financial resources to place the money in a trust rather than go into a spend-down situation. This type of special needs trust is generally funded by excess bank account funds or proceeds from a settlement, inheritance, or back disability payment. The trust can also be funded by assets accumulated prior to disability.
The Arcare Trust II pools assets from participants for management purposes and keeps the trust more affordable than many other options. Currently, we have more than 900 participants in our Trust II program. Enrollment and ongoing fees vary depending on the amount of funds placed in the trust.
With the Trust II, upon the death of the individual, as required by law, the state can recover assets remaining in the individual trust account for medical assistance paid on behalf of the individual.
Contact Arcare to discuss participation for your loved one.
Providing special needs trust services in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma and Iowa